
[Shortlists] International Mathematical Olympiad 2011

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  1. Given any set $A = \{a_1, a_2, a_3, a_4\}$ of four distinct positive integers, we denote the sum $a_1 +a_2 +a_3 +a_4$ by $s_A$. Let $n_A$ denote the number of pairs $(i, j)$ with $1 \leq i < j \leq 4$ for which $a_i +a_j$ divides $s_A$. Find all sets $A$ of four distinct positive integers which achieve the largest possible value of $n_A$.
  2. Determine all sequences $(x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_{2011})$ of positive integers, such that for every positive integer $n$ there exists an integer $a$ with \[\sum^{2011}_{j=1} j x^n_j = a^{n+1} + 1\]
  3. Determine all pairs $(f,g)$ of functions from the set of real numbers to itself that satisfy \[g(f(x+y)) = f(x) + (2x + y)g(y)\] for all real numbers $x$ and $y$.
  4. Determine all pairs $(f,g)$ of functions from the set of positive integers to itself that satisfy \[f^{g(n)+1}(n) + g^{f(n)}(n) = f(n+1) - g(n+1) + 1\] for every positive integer $n$. Here, $f^k(n)$ means $\underbrace{f(f(\ldots f)}_{k}(n) \ldots ))$.
  5. Prove that for every positive integer $n,$ the set $\{2,3,4,\ldots,3n+1\}$ can be partitioned into $n$ triples in such a way that the numbers from each triple are the lengths of the sides of some obtuse triangle.
  6. Let $f : \mathbb R \to \mathbb R$ be a real-valued function defined on the set of real numbers that satisfies \[f(x + y) \leq yf(x) + f(f(x))\]
  7. for all real numbers $x$ and $y$. Prove that $f(x) = 0$ for all $x \leq 0$.
  8. Let $a,b$ and $c$ be positive real numbers satisfying $a^2+b^2+c^2=3$ and $\min(a+b,b+c,c+a) > \sqrt{2}$. Prove that \[\frac{a}{(b+c-a)^2} + \frac{b}{(c+a-b)^2} + \frac{c}{(a+b-c)^2} \geq \frac{3}{(abc)^2}.\]


  1. Let $n > 0$ be an integer. We are given a balance and $n$ weights of weight $2^0, 2^1, \cdots, 2^{n-1}$. We are to place each of the $n$ weights on the balance, one after another, in such a way that the right pan is never heavier than the left pan. At each step we choose one of the weights that has not yet been placed on the balance, and place it on either the left pan or the right pan, until all of the weights have been placed. Determine the number of ways in which this can be done.
  2. Suppose that $1000$ students are standing in a circle. Prove that there exists an integer $k$ with $100 \leq k \leq 300$ such that in this circle there exists a contiguous group of $2k$ students, for which the first half contains the same number of girls as the second half.
  3. Let $\mathcal{S}$ be a finite set of at least two points in the plane. Assume that no three points of $\mathcal S$ are collinear. A windmill is a process that starts with a line $\ell$ going through a single point $P \in \mathcal S$. The line rotates clockwise about the pivot $P$ until the first time that the line meets some other point belonging to $\mathcal S$. This point, $Q$, takes over as the new pivot, and the line now rotates clockwise about $Q$, until it next meets a point of $\mathcal S$. This process continues indefinitely. Show that we can choose a point $P$ in $\mathcal S$ and a line $\ell$ going through $P$ such that the resulting windmill uses each point of $\mathcal S$ as a pivot infinitely many times.
  4. Determine the greatest positive integer $k$ that satisfies the following property: The set of positive integers can be partitioned into $k$ subsets $A_1, A_2, \ldots, A_k$ such that for all integers $n \geq 15$ and all $i \in \{1, 2, \ldots, k\}$ there exist two distinct elements of $A_i$ whose sum is $n.$
  5. Let $m$ be a positive integer, and consider a $m\times m$ checkerboard consisting of unit squares. At the centre of some of these unit squares there is an ant. At time $0$, each ant starts moving with speed $1$ parallel to some edge of the checkerboard. When two ants moving in the opposite directions meet, they both turn $90^{\circ}$ clockwise and continue moving with speed $1$. When more than $2$ ants meet, or when two ants moving in perpendicular directions meet, the ants continue moving in the same direction as before they met. When an ant reaches one of the edges of the checkerboard, it falls off and will not re-appear. Considering all possible starting positions, determine the latest possible moment at which the last ant falls off the checkerboard, or prove that such a moment does not necessarily exist.
  6. Let $n$ be a positive integer, and let $W = \ldots x_{-1}x_0x_1x_2 \ldots$ be an infinite periodic word, consisting of just letters $a$ and/or $b$. Suppose that the minimal period $N$ of $W$ is greater than $2^n$. A finite nonempty word $U$ is said to appear in $W$ if there exist indices $k \leq \ell$ such that $U=x_k x_{k+1} \ldots x_{\ell}$. A finite word $U$ is called ubiquitous if the four words $Ua$, $Ub$, $aU$, and $bU$ all appear in $W$. Prove that there are at least $n$ ubiquitous finite nonempty words.
  7. On a square table of $2011$ by $2011$ cells we place a finite number of napkins that each cover a square of $52$ by $52$ cells. In each cell we write the number of napkins covering it, and we record the maximal number $k$ of cells that all contain the same nonzero number. Considering all possible napkin configurations, what is the largest value of $k$?


  1. Let $ABC$ be an acute triangle. Let $\omega$ be a circle whose centre $L$ lies on the side $BC$. Suppose that $\omega$ is tangent to $AB$ at $B'$ and $AC$ at $C'$. Suppose also that the circumcentre $O$ of triangle $ABC$ lies on the shorter arc $B'C'$ of $\omega$. Prove that the circumcircle of $ABC$ and $\omega$ meet at two points.
  2. Let $A_1A_2A_3A_4$ be a non-cyclic quadrilateral. Let $O_1$ and $r_1$ be the circumcentre and the circumradius of the triangle $A_2A_3A_4$. Define $O_2,O_3,O_4$ and $r_2,r_3,r_4$ in a similar way. Prove that \[\frac{1}{O_1A_1^2-r_1^2}+\frac{1}{O_2A_2^2-r_2^2}+\frac{1}{O_3A_3^2-r_3^2}+\frac{1}{O_4A_4^2-r_4^2}=0.\]
  3. Let $ABCD$ be a convex quadrilateral whose sides $AD$ and $BC$ are not parallel. Suppose that the circles with diameters $AB$ and $CD$ meet at points $E$ and $F$ inside the quadrilateral. Let $\omega_E$ be the circle through the feet of the perpendiculars from $E$ to the lines $AB,BC$ and $CD$. Let $\omega_F$ be the circle through the feet of the perpendiculars from $F$ to the lines $CD,DA$ and $AB$. Prove that the midpoint of the segment $EF$ lies on the line through the two intersections of $\omega_E$ and $\omega_F$.
  4. Let $ABC$ be an acute triangle with circumcircle $\Omega$. Let $B_0$ be the midpoint of $AC$ and let $C_0$ be the midpoint of $AB$. Let $D$ be the foot of the altitude from $A$ and let $G$ be the centroid of the triangle $ABC$. Let $\omega$ be a circle through $B_0$ and $C_0$ that is tangent to the circle $\Omega$ at a point $X\not= A$. Prove that the points $D,G$ and $X$ are collinear.
  5. Let $ABC$ be a triangle with incentre $I$ and circumcircle $\omega$. Let $D$ and $E$ be the second intersection points of $\omega$ with $AI$ and $BI$, respectively. The chord $DE$ meets $AC$ at a point $F$, and $BC$ at a point $G$. Let $P$ be the intersection point of the line through $F$ parallel to $AD$ and the line through $G$ parallel to $BE$. Suppose that the tangents to $\omega$ at $A$ and $B$ meet at a point $K$. Prove that the three lines $AE,BD$ and $KP$ are either parallel or concurrent.
  6. Let $ABC$ be a triangle with $AB=AC$ and let $D$ be the midpoint of $AC$. The angle bisector of $\angle BAC$ intersects the circle through $D,B$ and $C$ at the point $E$ inside the triangle $ABC$. The line $BD$ intersects the circle through $A,E$ and $B$ in two points $B$ and $F$. The lines $AF$ and $BE$ meet at a point $I$, and the lines $CI$ and $BD$ meet at a point $K$. Show that $I$ is the incentre of triangle $KAB$.
  7. Let $ABCDEF$ be a convex hexagon all of whose sides are tangent to a circle $\omega$ with centre $O$. Suppose that the circumcircle of triangle $ACE$ is concentric with $\omega$. Let $J$ be the foot of the perpendicular from $B$ to $CD$. Suppose that the perpendicular from $B$ to $DF$ intersects the line $EO$ at a point $K$. Let $L$ be the foot of the perpendicular from $K$ to $DE$. Prove that $DJ=DL$.
  8. Let $ABC$ be an acute triangle with circumcircle $\Gamma$. Let $\ell$ be a tangent line to $\Gamma$, and let $\ell_a, \ell_b$ and $\ell_c$ be the lines obtained by reflecting $\ell$ in the lines $BC$, $CA$ and $AB$, respectively. Show that the circumcircle of the triangle determined by the lines $\ell_a, \ell_b$ and $\ell_c$ is tangent to the circle $\Gamma$.

Number Theory

  1. For any integer $d > 0,$ let $f(d)$ be the smallest possible integer that has exactly $d$ positive divisors (so for example we have $f(1)=1, f(5)=16,$ and $f(6)=12$). Prove that for every integer $k \geq 0$ the number $f\left(2^k\right)$ divides $f\left(2^{k+1}\right).$
  2. Consider a polynomial $P(x) = \prod^9_{j=1}(x+d_j),$ where $d_1, d_2, \ldots d_9$ are nine distinct integers. Prove that there exists an integer $N,$ such that for all integers $x \geq N$ the number $P(x)$ is divisible by a prime number greater than 20.
  3. Let $n \geq 1$ be an odd integer. Determine all functions $f$ from the set of integers to itself, such that for all integers $x$ and $y$ the difference $f(x)-f(y)$ divides $x^n-y^n.$
  4. For each positive integer $k,$ let $t(k)$ be the largest odd divisor of $k.$ Determine all positive integers $a$ for which there exists a positive integer $n,$ such that all the differences $$t(n+a)-t(n),\quad t(n+a+1)-t(n+1), \quad \ldots, \quad t(n+2a-1)-t(n+a-1)$ are divisible by 4.
  5. Let $f$ be a function from the set of integers to the set of positive integers. Suppose that, for any two integers $m$ and $n$, the difference $f(m) - f(n)$ is divisible by $f(m- n)$. Prove that, for all integers $m$ and $n$ with $f(m) \leq f(n)$, the number $f(n)$ is divisible by $f(m)$.
  6. Let $P(x)$ and $Q(x)$ be two polynomials with integer coefficients, such that no nonconstant polynomial with rational coefficients divides both $P(x)$ and $Q(x).$ Suppose that for every positive integer $n$ the integers $P(n)$ and $Q(n)$ are positive, and $2^{Q(n)}-1$ divides $3^{P(n)}-1.$ Prove that $Q(x)$ is a constant polynomial.
  7. Let $p$ be an odd prime number. For every integer $a,$ define the number $$S_a = \sum^{p-1}_{j=1} \frac{a^j}{j}.$$ Let $m,n \in \mathbb{Z},$ such that $S_3 + S_4 - 3S_2 = \frac{m}{n}.$ Prove that $p$ divides $m.$
  8. Let $k \in \mathbb{Z}^+$ and set $n=2^k+1.$ Prove that $n$ is a prime number if and only if the following holds: there is a permutation $a_{1},\ldots,a_{n-1}$ of the numbers $1,2, \ldots, n-1$ and a sequence of integers $g_{1},\ldots,g_{n-1},$ such that $n$ divides $g^{a_i}_i - a_{i+1}$ for every $i \in \{1,2,\ldots,n-1\},$ where we set $a_n = a_1.$



Abel,5,Albania,2,AMM,2,Amsterdam,4,An Giang,45,Andrew Wiles,1,Anh,2,APMO,21,Austria (Áo),1,Ba Lan,1,Bà Rịa Vũng Tàu,77,Bắc Bộ,2,Bắc Giang,62,Bắc Kạn,4,Bạc Liêu,18,Bắc Ninh,53,Bắc Trung Bộ,3,Bài Toán Hay,5,Balkan,41,Baltic Way,32,BAMO,1,Bất Đẳng Thức,69,Bến Tre,72,Benelux,16,Bình Định,65,Bình Dương,38,Bình Phước,52,Bình Thuận,42,Birch,1,BMO,41,Booklet,12,Bosnia Herzegovina,3,BoxMath,3,Brazil,2,British,16,Bùi Đắc Hiên,1,Bùi Thị Thiện Mỹ,1,Bùi Văn Tuyên,1,Bùi Xuân Diệu,1,Bulgaria,6,Buôn Ma Thuột,2,BxMO,15,Cà Mau,22,Cần Thơ,27,Canada,40,Cao Bằng,12,Cao Quang Minh,1,Câu Chuyện Toán Học,43,Caucasus,3,CGMO,11,China - Trung Quốc,25,Chọn Đội Tuyển,515,Chu Tuấn Anh,1,Chuyên Đề,125,Chuyên SPHCM,7,Chuyên SPHN,30,Chuyên Trần Hưng Đạo,3,Collection,8,College Mathematic,1,Concours,1,Cono Sur,1,Contest,675,Correspondence,1,Cosmin Poahata,1,Crux,2,Czech-Polish-Slovak,28,Đà Nẵng,50,Đa Thức,2,Đại Số,20,Đắk Lắk,76,Đắk Nông,15,Danube,7,Đào Thái Hiệp,1,ĐBSCL,2,Đề Thi,1,Đề Thi HSG,2249,Đề Thi JMO,1,DHBB,30,Điện Biên,15,Định Lý,1,Định Lý Beaty,1,Đỗ Hữu Đức Thịnh,1,Do Thái,3,Doãn Quang Tiến,5,Đoàn Quỳnh,1,Đoàn Văn Trung,1,Đồng Nai,64,Đồng Tháp,63,Du Hiền Vinh,1,Đức,1,Dương Quỳnh Châu,1,Dương Tú,1,Duyên Hải Bắc Bộ,30,E-Book,31,EGMO,30,ELMO,19,EMC,11,Epsilon,1,Estonian,5,Euler,1,Evan Chen,1,Fermat,3,Finland,4,Forum Of Geometry,2,Furstenberg,1,G. Polya,3,Gặp Gỡ Toán Học,30,Gauss,1,GDTX,3,Geometry,14,GGTH,30,Gia Lai,40,Gia Viễn,2,Giải Tích Hàm,1,Giới hạn,2,Goldbach,1,Hà Giang,5,Hà Lan,1,Hà Nam,45,Hà Nội,255,Hà Tĩnh,91,Hà Trung Kiên,1,Hải Dương,70,Hải Phòng,57,Hậu Giang,14,Hélènne Esnault,1,Hilbert,2,Hình Học,33,HKUST,7,Hòa Bình,33,Hoài Nhơn,1,Hoàng Bá Minh,1,Hoàng Minh Quân,1,Hodge,1,Hojoo Lee,2,HOMC,5,HongKong,8,HSG 10,126,HSG 10 2010-2011,4,HSG 10 2011-2012,7,HSG 10 2012-2013,8,HSG 10 2013-2014,7,HSG 10 2014-2015,6,HSG 10 2015-2016,2,HSG 10 2016-2017,8,HSG 10 2017-2018,4,HSG 10 2018-2019,4,HSG 10 2019-2020,7,HSG 10 2020-2021,3,HSG 10 2021-2022,4,HSG 10 2022-2023,11,HSG 10 2023-2024,1,HSG 10 Bà Rịa Vũng Tàu,2,HSG 10 Bắc Giang,1,HSG 10 Bạc Liêu,2,HSG 10 Bình Định,1,HSG 10 Bình Dương,1,HSG 10 Bình Thuận,4,HSG 10 Chuyên SPHN,5,HSG 10 Đắk Lắk,2,HSG 10 Đồng Nai,4,HSG 10 Gia Lai,2,HSG 10 Hà Nam,4,HSG 10 Hà Tĩnh,15,HSG 10 Hải Dương,10,HSG 10 KHTN,9,HSG 10 Nghệ An,1,HSG 10 Ninh Thuận,1,HSG 10 Phú Yên,2,HSG 10 PTNK,10,HSG 10 Quảng Nam,1,HSG 10 Quảng Trị,2,HSG 10 Thái Nguyên,9,HSG 10 Vĩnh Phúc,14,HSG 1015-2016,3,HSG 11,135,HSG 11 2009-2010,1,HSG 11 2010-2011,6,HSG 11 2011-2012,10,HSG 11 2012-2013,9,HSG 11 2013-2014,7,HSG 11 2014-2015,10,HSG 11 2015-2016,6,HSG 11 2016-2017,8,HSG 11 2017-2018,7,HSG 11 2018-2019,8,HSG 11 2019-2020,5,HSG 11 2020-2021,8,HSG 11 2021-2022,4,HSG 11 2022-2023,7,HSG 11 2023-2024,1,HSG 11 An Giang,2,HSG 11 Bà Rịa Vũng Tàu,1,HSG 11 Bắc Giang,4,HSG 11 Bạc Liêu,3,HSG 11 Bắc Ninh,2,HSG 11 Bình Định,12,HSG 11 Bình Dương,3,HSG 11 Bình Thuận,1,HSG 11 Cà Mau,1,HSG 11 Đà Nẵng,9,HSG 11 Đồng Nai,1,HSG 11 Hà Nam,2,HSG 11 Hà Tĩnh,12,HSG 11 Hải Phòng,1,HSG 11 Kiên Giang,4,HSG 11 Lạng Sơn,11,HSG 11 Nghệ An,6,HSG 11 Ninh Bình,2,HSG 11 Quảng Bình,12,HSG 11 Quảng Nam,1,HSG 11 Quảng Ngãi,9,HSG 11 Quảng Trị,3,HSG 11 Sóc Trăng,1,HSG 11 Thái Nguyên,8,HSG 11 Thanh Hóa,3,HSG 11 Trà Vinh,1,HSG 11 Tuyên Quang,1,HSG 11 Vĩnh Long,3,HSG 11 Vĩnh Phúc,11,HSG 12,668,HSG 12 2009-2010,2,HSG 12 2010-2011,39,HSG 12 2011-2012,44,HSG 12 2012-2013,58,HSG 12 2013-2014,53,HSG 12 2014-2015,44,HSG 12 2015-2016,37,HSG 12 2016-2017,46,HSG 12 2017-2018,55,HSG 12 2018-2019,43,HSG 12 2019-2020,43,HSG 12 2020-2021,52,HSG 12 2021-2022,35,HSG 12 2022-2023,42,HSG 12 2023-2024,23,HSG 12 2023-2041,1,HSG 12 An Giang,8,HSG 12 Bà Rịa Vũng Tàu,13,HSG 12 Bắc Giang,18,HSG 12 Bạc Liêu,3,HSG 12 Bắc Ninh,13,HSG 12 Bến Tre,19,HSG 12 Bình Định,17,HSG 12 Bình Dương,8,HSG 12 Bình Phước,9,HSG 12 Bình Thuận,8,HSG 12 Cà Mau,7,HSG 12 Cần Thơ,7,HSG 12 Cao Bằng,5,HSG 12 Chuyên SPHN,11,HSG 12 Đà Nẵng,3,HSG 12 Đắk Lắk,21,HSG 12 Đắk Nông,1,HSG 12 Điện Biên,3,HSG 12 Đồng Nai,20,HSG 12 Đồng Tháp,18,HSG 12 Gia Lai,14,HSG 12 Hà Nam,5,HSG 12 Hà Nội,17,HSG 12 Hà Tĩnh,16,HSG 12 Hải Dương,16,HSG 12 Hải Phòng,20,HSG 12 Hậu Giang,4,HSG 12 Hòa Bình,10,HSG 12 Hưng Yên,10,HSG 12 Khánh Hòa,4,HSG 12 KHTN,26,HSG 12 Kiên Giang,12,HSG 12 Kon Tum,3,HSG 12 Lai Châu,4,HSG 12 Lâm Đồng,11,HSG 12 Lạng Sơn,8,HSG 12 Lào Cai,17,HSG 12 Long An,18,HSG 12 Nam Định,7,HSG 12 Nghệ An,13,HSG 12 Ninh Bình,12,HSG 12 Ninh Thuận,7,HSG 12 Phú Thọ,18,HSG 12 Phú Yên,13,HSG 12 Quảng Bình,14,HSG 12 Quảng Nam,11,HSG 12 Quảng Ngãi,6,HSG 12 Quảng Ninh,20,HSG 12 Quảng Trị,10,HSG 12 Sóc Trăng,4,HSG 12 Sơn La,5,HSG 12 Tây Ninh,6,HSG 12 Thái Bình,11,HSG 12 Thái Nguyên,13,HSG 12 Thanh Hóa,17,HSG 12 Thừa Thiên Huế,19,HSG 12 Tiền Giang,3,HSG 12 TPHCM,13,HSG 12 Tuyên Quang,3,HSG 12 Vĩnh Long,7,HSG 12 Vĩnh Phúc,20,HSG 12 Yên Bái,6,HSG 9,573,HSG 9 2009-2010,1,HSG 9 2010-2011,21,HSG 9 2011-2012,42,HSG 9 2012-2013,41,HSG 9 2013-2014,35,HSG 9 2014-2015,41,HSG 9 2015-2016,38,HSG 9 2016-2017,42,HSG 9 2017-2018,45,HSG 9 2018-2019,41,HSG 9 2019-2020,18,HSG 9 2020-2021,50,HSG 9 2021-2022,53,HSG 9 2022-2023,55,HSG 9 2023-2024,15,HSG 9 An Giang,9,HSG 9 Bà Rịa Vũng Tàu,8,HSG 9 Bắc Giang,14,HSG 9 Bắc Kạn,1,HSG 9 Bạc Liêu,1,HSG 9 Bắc Ninh,12,HSG 9 Bến Tre,9,HSG 9 Bình Định,11,HSG 9 Bình Dương,7,HSG 9 Bình Phước,13,HSG 9 Bình Thuận,5,HSG 9 Cà Mau,2,HSG 9 Cần Thơ,4,HSG 9 Cao Bằng,2,HSG 9 Đà Nẵng,11,HSG 9 Đắk Lắk,12,HSG 9 Đắk Nông,3,HSG 9 Điện Biên,5,HSG 9 Đồng Nai,8,HSG 9 Đồng Tháp,10,HSG 9 Gia Lai,9,HSG 9 Hà Giang,4,HSG 9 Hà Nam,10,HSG 9 Hà Nội,15,HSG 9 Hà Tĩnh,13,HSG 9 Hải Dương,16,HSG 9 Hải Phòng,8,HSG 9 Hậu Giang,6,HSG 9 Hòa Bình,4,HSG 9 Hưng Yên,11,HSG 9 Khánh Hòa,6,HSG 9 Kiên Giang,16,HSG 9 Kon Tum,9,HSG 9 Lai Châu,2,HSG 9 Lâm Đồng,14,HSG 9 Lạng Sơn,10,HSG 9 Lào Cai,4,HSG 9 Long An,10,HSG 9 Nam Định,9,HSG 9 Nghệ An,21,HSG 9 Ninh Bình,14,HSG 9 Ninh Thuận,4,HSG 9 Phú Thọ,13,HSG 9 Phú Yên,9,HSG 9 Quảng Bình,14,HSG 9 Quảng Nam,12,HSG 9 Quảng Ngãi,13,HSG 9 Quảng Ninh,17,HSG 9 Quảng Trị,10,HSG 9 Sóc Trăng,9,HSG 9 Sơn La,5,HSG 9 Tây Ninh,16,HSG 9 Thái Bình,11,HSG 9 Thái Nguyên,5,HSG 9 Thanh Hóa,12,HSG 9 Thừa Thiên Huế,9,HSG 9 Tiền Giang,7,HSG 9 TPHCM,11,HSG 9 Trà Vinh,2,HSG 9 Tuyên Quang,6,HSG 9 Vĩnh Long,12,HSG 9 Vĩnh Phúc,12,HSG 9 Yên Bái,5,HSG Cấp Trường,80,HSG Quốc Gia,113,HSG Quốc Tế,16,Hứa Lâm Phong,1,Hứa Thuần Phỏng,1,Hùng Vương,2,Hưng Yên,43,Huỳnh Kim Linh,1,Hy Lạp,1,IMC,26,IMO,58,IMT,2,IMU,2,India - Ấn Độ,47,Inequality,13,InMC,1,International,349,Iran,13,Jakob,1,JBMO,41,Jewish,1,Journal,30,Junior,38,K2pi,1,Kazakhstan,1,Khánh Hòa,30,KHTN,64,Kiên Giang,74,Kon Tum,24,Korea - Hàn Quốc,5,Kvant,2,Kỷ Yếu,46,Lai Châu,12,Lâm Đồng,47,Lăng Hồng Nguyệt Anh,1,Lạng Sơn,37,Langlands,1,Lào Cai,35,Lê Hải Châu,1,Lê Hải Khôi,1,Lê Hoành Phò,4,Lê Hồng Phong,5,Lê Khánh Sỹ,3,Lê Minh Cường,1,Lê Phúc Lữ,1,Lê Phương,1,Lê Viết Hải,1,Lê Việt Hưng,2,Leibniz,1,Long An,52,Lớp 10 Chuyên,709,Lớp 10 Không Chuyên,355,Lớp 11,1,Lục Ngạn,1,Lượng giác,1,Lưu Giang Nam,2,Lưu Lý Tưởng,1,Macedonian,1,Malaysia,1,Margulis,2,Mark Levi,1,Mathematical Excalibur,1,Mathematical Reflections,1,Mathematics Magazine,1,Mathematics Today,1,Mathley,1,MathLinks,1,MathProblems Journal,1,Mathscope,8,MathsVN,5,MathVN,1,MEMO,13,Menelaus,1,Metropolises,4,Mexico,1,MIC,1,Michael Atiyah,1,Michael Guillen,1,Mochizuki,1,Moldova,1,Moscow,1,MYM,25,MYTS,4,Nam Định,45,Nam Phi,1,National,276,Nesbitt,1,Newton,4,Nghệ An,73,Ngô Bảo Châu,2,Ngô Việt Hải,1,Ngọc Huyền,2,Nguyễn Anh Tuyến,1,Nguyễn Bá Đang,1,Nguyễn Đình Thi,1,Nguyễn Đức Tấn,1,Nguyễn Đức Thắng,1,Nguyễn Duy Khương,1,Nguyễn Duy Tùng,1,Nguyễn Hữu Điển,3,Nguyễn Minh Hà,1,Nguyễn Minh Tuấn,9,Nguyễn Nhất Huy,1,Nguyễn Phan Tài Vương,1,Nguyễn Phú Khánh,1,Nguyễn Phúc Tăng,2,Nguyễn Quản Bá Hồng,1,Nguyễn Quang Sơn,1,Nguyễn Song Thiên Long,1,Nguyễn Tài Chung,5,Nguyễn Tăng Vũ,1,Nguyễn Tất Thu,1,Nguyễn Thúc Vũ Hoàng,1,Nguyễn Trung Tuấn,8,Nguyễn Tuấn Anh,2,Nguyễn Văn Huyện,3,Nguyễn Văn Mậu,25,Nguyễn Văn Nho,1,Nguyễn Văn Quý,2,Nguyễn Văn Thông,1,Nguyễn Việt Anh,1,Nguyễn Vũ Lương,2,Nhật Bản,4,Nhóm $\LaTeX$,4,Nhóm Toán,1,Ninh Bình,61,Ninh Thuận,26,Nội Suy Lagrange,2,Nội Suy Newton,1,Nordic,21,Olympiad Corner,1,Olympiad Preliminary,2,Olympic 10,134,Olympic 10/3,6,Olympic 10/3 Đắk Lắk,6,Olympic 11,122,Olympic 12,52,Olympic 23/3,2,Olympic 24/3,10,Olympic 24/3 Quảng Nam,10,Olympic 27/4,24,Olympic 30/4,61,Olympic KHTN,8,Olympic Sinh Viên,78,Olympic Tháng 4,12,Olympic Toán,344,Olympic Toán Sơ Cấp,3,Ôn Thi 10,2,PAMO,1,Phạm Đình Đồng,1,Phạm Đức Tài,1,Phạm Huy Hoàng,1,Pham Kim Hung,3,Phạm Quốc Sang,2,Phan Huy Khải,1,Phan Quang Đạt,1,Phan Thành Nam,1,Pháp,2,Philippines,8,Phú Thọ,32,Phú Yên,42,Phùng Hồ Hải,1,Phương Trình Hàm,11,Phương Trình Pythagoras,1,Pi,1,Polish,32,Problems,1,PT-HPT,14,PTNK,64,Putnam,27,Quảng Bình,64,Quảng Nam,57,Quảng Ngãi,49,Quảng Ninh,60,Quảng Trị,42,Quỹ Tích,1,Riemann,1,RMM,14,RMO,24,Romania,38,Romanian Mathematical,1,Russia,1,Sách Thường Thức Toán,7,Sách Toán,70,Sách Toán Cao Học,1,Sách Toán THCS,7,Saudi Arabia - Ả Rập Xê Út,9,Scholze,1,Serbia,17,Sharygin,28,Shortlists,56,Simon Singh,1,Singapore,1,Số Học - Tổ Hợp,28,Sóc Trăng,36,Sơn La,22,Spain,8,Star Education,1,Stars of Mathematics,11,Swinnerton-Dyer,1,Talent Search,1,Tăng Hải Tuân,2,Tạp Chí,17,Tập San,3,Tây Ban Nha,1,Tây Ninh,37,Thái Bình,45,Thái Nguyên,61,Thái Vân,2,Thanh Hóa,69,THCS,2,Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ,5,Thomas J. Mildorf,1,Thông Tin Toán Học,43,THPT Chuyên Lê Quý Đôn,1,THPT Chuyên Nguyễn Du,9,THPTQG,16,THTT,31,Thừa Thiên Huế,56,Tiền Giang,30,Tin Tức Toán Học,1,Titu Andreescu,2,Toán 12,7,Toán Cao Cấp,3,Toán Rời Rạc,5,Toán Tuổi Thơ,3,Tôn Ngọc Minh Quân,2,TOT,1,TPHCM,158,Trà Vinh,10,Trắc Nghiệm,1,Trắc Nghiệm Toán,2,Trại Hè,39,Trại Hè Hùng Vương,30,Trại Hè Phương Nam,7,Trần Đăng Phúc,1,Trần Minh Hiền,2,Trần Nam Dũng,12,Trần Phương,1,Trần Quang Hùng,1,Trần Quốc Anh,2,Trần Quốc Luật,1,Trần Quốc Nghĩa,1,Trần Tiến Tự,1,Trịnh Đào Chiến,2,Trường Đông,23,Trường Hè,10,Trường Thu,1,Trường Xuân,3,TST,544,TST 2008-2009,1,TST 2010-2011,22,TST 2011-2012,23,TST 2012-2013,32,TST 2013-2014,29,TST 2014-2015,27,TST 2015-2016,26,TST 2016-2017,41,TST 2017-2018,42,TST 2018-2019,30,TST 2019-2020,34,TST 2020-2021,30,TST 2021-2022,38,TST 2022-2023,42,TST 2023-2024,23,TST An Giang,8,TST Bà Rịa Vũng Tàu,11,TST Bắc Giang,5,TST Bắc Ninh,11,TST Bến Tre,10,TST Bình Định,5,TST Bình Dương,7,TST Bình Phước,9,TST Bình Thuận,9,TST Cà Mau,7,TST Cần Thơ,6,TST Cao Bằng,2,TST Đà Nẵng,8,TST Đắk Lắk,12,TST Đắk Nông,2,TST Điện Biên,2,TST Đồng Nai,13,TST Đồng Tháp,12,TST Gia Lai,4,TST Hà Nam,8,TST Hà Nội,12,TST Hà Tĩnh,15,TST Hải Dương,11,TST Hải Phòng,13,TST Hậu Giang,1,TST Hòa Bình,4,TST Hưng Yên,10,TST Khánh Hòa,8,TST Kiên Giang,11,TST Kon Tum,6,TST Lâm Đồng,12,TST Lạng Sơn,3,TST Lào Cai,4,TST Long An,6,TST Nam Định,8,TST Nghệ An,7,TST Ninh Bình,11,TST Ninh Thuận,4,TST Phú Thọ,13,TST Phú Yên,5,TST PTNK,15,TST Quảng Bình,12,TST Quảng Nam,7,TST Quảng Ngãi,8,TST Quảng Ninh,9,TST Quảng Trị,10,TST Sóc Trăng,5,TST Sơn La,7,TST Thái Bình,6,TST Thái Nguyên,8,TST Thanh Hóa,9,TST Thừa Thiên Huế,4,TST Tiền Giang,6,TST TPHCM,14,TST Trà Vinh,1,TST Tuyên Quang,1,TST Vĩnh Long,7,TST Vĩnh Phúc,7,TST Yên Bái,8,Tuyên Quang,14,Tuyển Sinh,4,Tuyển Sinh 10,1064,Tuyển Sinh 10 An Giang,18,Tuyển Sinh 10 Bà Rịa Vũng Tàu,22,Tuyển Sinh 10 Bắc Giang,19,Tuyển Sinh 10 Bắc Kạn,3,Tuyển Sinh 10 Bạc Liêu,9,Tuyển Sinh 10 Bắc Ninh,15,Tuyển Sinh 10 Bến Tre,34,Tuyển Sinh 10 Bình Định,19,Tuyển Sinh 10 Bình Dương,12,Tuyển Sinh 10 Bình Phước,21,Tuyển Sinh 10 Bình Thuận,15,Tuyển Sinh 10 Cà Mau,5,Tuyển Sinh 10 Cần Thơ,10,Tuyển Sinh 10 Cao Bằng,2,Tuyển Sinh 10 Chuyên SPHN,19,Tuyển Sinh 10 Đà Nẵng,18,Tuyển Sinh 10 Đại Học Vinh,13,Tuyển Sinh 10 Đắk Lắk,21,Tuyển Sinh 10 Đắk Nông,7,Tuyển Sinh 10 Điện Biên,5,Tuyển Sinh 10 Đồng Nai,18,Tuyển Sinh 10 Đồng Tháp,23,Tuyển Sinh 10 Gia Lai,10,Tuyển Sinh 10 Hà Giang,1,Tuyển Sinh 10 Hà Nam,16,Tuyển Sinh 10 Hà Nội,80,Tuyển Sinh 10 Hà Tĩnh,19,Tuyển Sinh 10 Hải Dương,17,Tuyển Sinh 10 Hải Phòng,15,Tuyển Sinh 10 Hậu Giang,3,Tuyển Sinh 10 Hòa Bình,15,Tuyển Sinh 10 Hưng Yên,12,Tuyển Sinh 10 Khánh Hòa,12,Tuyển Sinh 10 KHTN,21,Tuyển Sinh 10 Kiên Giang,31,Tuyển Sinh 10 Kon Tum,6,Tuyển Sinh 10 Lai Châu,6,Tuyển Sinh 10 Lâm Đồng,10,Tuyển Sinh 10 Lạng Sơn,6,Tuyển Sinh 10 Lào Cai,10,Tuyển Sinh 10 Long An,18,Tuyển Sinh 10 Nam Định,21,Tuyển Sinh 10 Nghệ An,23,Tuyển Sinh 10 Ninh Bình,20,Tuyển Sinh 10 Ninh Thuận,10,Tuyển Sinh 10 Phú Thọ,18,Tuyển Sinh 10 Phú Yên,12,Tuyển Sinh 10 PTNK,37,Tuyển Sinh 10 Quảng Bình,12,Tuyển Sinh 10 Quảng Nam,15,Tuyển Sinh 10 Quảng Ngãi,13,Tuyển Sinh 10 Quảng Ninh,12,Tuyển Sinh 10 Quảng Trị,7,Tuyển Sinh 10 Sóc Trăng,17,Tuyển Sinh 10 Sơn La,5,Tuyển Sinh 10 Tây Ninh,15,Tuyển Sinh 10 Thái Bình,17,Tuyển Sinh 10 Thái Nguyên,18,Tuyển Sinh 10 Thanh Hóa,27,Tuyển Sinh 10 Thừa Thiên Huế,24,Tuyển Sinh 10 Tiền Giang,14,Tuyển Sinh 10 TPHCM,23,Tuyển Sinh 10 Trà Vinh,6,Tuyển Sinh 10 Tuyên Quang,3,Tuyển Sinh 10 Vĩnh Long,12,Tuyển Sinh 10 Vĩnh Phúc,22,Tuyển Sinh 2008-2009,1,Tuyển Sinh 2009-2010,1,Tuyển Sinh 2010-2011,6,Tuyển Sinh 2011-2012,20,Tuyển Sinh 2012-2013,65,Tuyển Sinh 2013-2014,77,Tuyển Sinh 2013-2044,1,Tuyển Sinh 2014-2015,81,Tuyển Sinh 2015-2016,64,Tuyển Sinh 2016-2017,72,Tuyển Sinh 2017-2018,126,Tuyển Sinh 2018-2019,61,Tuyển Sinh 2019-2020,90,Tuyển Sinh 2020-2021,59,Tuyển Sinh 2021-202,1,Tuyển Sinh 2021-2022,69,Tuyển Sinh 2022-2023,113,Tuyển Sinh 2023-2024,49,Tuyển Sinh Chuyên SPHCM,7,Tuyển Sinh Yên Bái,6,Tuyển Tập,45,Tuymaada,6,UK - Anh,16,Undergraduate,69,USA - Mỹ,62,USA TSTST,6,USAJMO,12,USATST,8,USEMO,4,Uzbekistan,1,Vasile Cîrtoaje,4,Vật Lý,1,Viện Toán Học,6,Vietnam,4,Viktor Prasolov,1,VIMF,1,Vinh,32,Vĩnh Long,41,Vĩnh Phúc,86,Virginia Tech,1,VLTT,1,VMEO,4,VMF,12,VMO,58,VNTST,25,Võ Anh Khoa,1,Võ Quốc Bá Cẩn,26,Võ Thành Văn,1,Vojtěch Jarník,6,Vũ Hữu Bình,7,Vương Trung Dũng,1,WFNMC Journal,1,Wiles,1,Xác Suất,1,Yên Bái,25,Yên Thành,1,Zhautykov,14,Zhou Yuan Zhe,1,
MOlympiad.NET: [Shortlists] International Mathematical Olympiad 2011
[Shortlists] International Mathematical Olympiad 2011
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